Gun Sales 2022 - Our sales brochure is ready for storage in May 2022! Each month we'll collect some of the best deals on weapons and gear from across the store and offer them at a special discount for a month, while supplies last. Next time, pick up your copy or check out the digital version below!

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Gun Sales 2022

Gun Sales 2022

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An Expert On Trends In Gun Sales And Gun Violence In Pandemic America

Save for May 2022 and see all these offers and more in the 4-page monthly flyer below. "Our responses increased significantly in early 2020 and decreased during the last election cycle," said state police spokesman Capt. Kyle Kennedy. Oregon State Police

During the week of October 30, state police received 8,609 requests for gun background checks from buyers. By the week of the next election, Nov. 6, requests had doubled to 18,065, according to state police spokeswoman Capt. Stephanie Bigman.

That has translated into an increase in state police agencies handling requested background checks and customers waiting longer to exit stores with guns, according to state police. and gun store owners.

Gun Sales 2022

The number of people waiting for state police clearances for overseas searches has also doubled in the past two weeks, from about 10,000 to about 20,000. as voters voted down one of the nation's strictest gun control measures.

Canada Bans Handgun Sales In Latest Gun Control Action

"Our responses increased significantly in early 2020 and decreased during the last election cycle," said Capt. Kyle Kennedy, another state police spokesman.

Voters narrowly passed Proposition 114 last Tuesday, requiring a permit for Oregonians to purchase a handgun and banning magazines that hold more than 10 bullets.

Last year, Oregon State Police conducted 338,330 inspections of gun buyers, down from 2020, when the state recorded the most, 418,061. This year through November 14, state police have conducted 280,552 searches. Oregon State Police

"This unit has been working on a large number of gun requests and will continue to process them as quickly as possible," state police said in a statement Wednesday.

The Staggering Scope Of U.s. Gun Deaths Goes Far Beyond Mass Shootings

Last year, Oregon State Police conducted 338,330 inspections of gun buyers, down from 2020, when the state recorded the most, 418,061.

Under Proposition 114, people looking to buy a gun in Oregon must apply for a permit from the county sheriff, pay a $65 fee, provide fingerprints, complete gun safety training and pass criminal investigation. The license will be valid for five years.

Every time a licensee goes to buy a gun, the dealer must get a firearms background check from the state police before turning the gun over.

Gun Sales 2022

Rules and funding to support the permitting process and additional background checks are still pending, but Measure 114 supporters are trying to work with state lawmakers and police to create a committee or task force. work to resolve these details.

Gun Sales Surge Among Women, Certain Minority Groups

The pre-election average reflects the period from Jan. 1 to Nov. 8, 2022. This image covers Nov. 9 to 13, 2022, state police said. When the post-election period was extended from November 9 to 15, the daily average dropped slightly to 3,104, said the captain. Stephanie Bigman. Oregon State Police

The arms processing unit has 30 employees - one manager, three inspectors and 26 permanent inspectors. It has funds for 13 part-time inspectors and four specialists, but two of these position of inspector and two in special work.

Bigman said the agency is still assessing the need for workers in the permit-to-purchase program. State police are working with the Oregon Department of Justice and the sheriff's and sheriff's associations to determine what additional staff, money and procedures they need to enforce the law.

When Measure 114 was put on the ballot, the state police estimated they would need 38 new positions to handle the job growth. In August, state police reported that they are working to reduce the number of gun-check stops due to an increase in gun sales starting in 2020.

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The State Police now believe that the measure will take effect sooner than the author thought, based on advice from the Secretary of State. It is now December 8, 30 days after "filed or approved".

The authors of Measure 114 said they were led to believe that the deadline to verify the vote was 30 days from December 15th.

Ben Morris, a spokesman for the secretary of state, said the confusion may stem from a change this year that will allow ballots to be marked on Election Day on November 8. and count if it comes within seven days after the election. That pushed the state's deadline to officially confirm the vote to Dec. 15, making it unusual for the poll date — Dec. 8 — to fall before the deadline for verifying the vote.

Gun Sales 2022

Liz McKanna, a member of the Oregon Legislature's Lift Every Voice campaign, said it's now up to the state police and others to "do everything they can" to establish a permit program. way to buy what can be done. .

Canada Gun Imports 2021 Jump To Second Highest Value On Record

Regardless, he and the attorney general on Measure 114 said they hope to build a legislative force to work out the details that still need to be worked out, and they hope the governor can move to delay the effective date of the new law or dates. . but some provisions of the conditions can be "enforced" if necessary.

"We want this to be a fair and equitable system and be as clear as possible," McKanna said of the permit.

A spokeswoman for Gov. Kate Brown said the governor does not have the authority to extend the implementation date of the measure.

"As usual, the governor intends to sign the declaration confirming the election when he receives it from the secretary of state. Our understanding is that we should receive it from the secretary of state on December 8, said Liz Merah, spokeswoman for Brown.

Loopholes And Missing Data: The Gaps In The Gun Background Check System

The Oregon Firearms Federation, which opposed the measure, called the effective date of the current measure, without a process to support the permit-to-purchase program, "crazy even by Oregon standards," in an email to of the supporters of the federation. .

Opponents of Measure 114 fear the measure will increase the backlog of background checks and create unnecessary delays for people who can legally purchase guns and want to protect themselves.

The state police are "hopeless, sorry hell," said Tim Barnes, a federally licensed gun dealer who owns the Tigard Pawn 4 More store. "They don't have the staff or the equipment."

Gun Sales 2022

Barnes sells guns, handles gun transfers as a licensed dealer and holds guns as collateral for loans.

New Guns For 2022

Trudi Lacasse, a representative at The Gun Room in Southeast Portland, said interested gun buyers, including those with concealed carry permits, find the state police "very high on the list" to complete background checks.

They will have to wait a few weeks, he said. But no one leaves their store with a gun until they are approved through a background check, he added.

Barnes spoke to The Oregonian this week while handling a gun buyer at his store and told the customer, who has a concealed carry permit, that he was #2,182.

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