H&k P7 Pistols - The Heckler & Koch P7, which originally fell under the company's PSP (Police Service Pistol) designation, is unusual in design, function and even handguns. Its squeeze-cocking mechanism sets it apart from virtually all other semi-automatic pistols, and the finger-groove cocking bar on the grip gives the pistol a distinctive profile.

Explained how the system worked in 2010. "Instead of a fixed front strap, the gun uses a finger-grooved bar / lever that initially requires 13 pounds of pressure to get the gun ready to fire. seems stiff, it is actually quite easy to apply, since three fingers are at work. Even when the cocker spring is compressed, only 1 1⁄2-lbs. of pressure is required to keep the gun ready. Except for this cocking lever / grip safety, there are no other external safeties.... The cocking lever mounts the hammer and acts as a decocker, grip safety and slide release. The only other external controls are a slide stop, a magazine release and a takedown lock.

H&k P7 Pistols

H&k P7 Pistols

The P7 had a barrel of 3 7/8 "and was one of the first weapons to adopt polygonal rifling. The semi-auto first appeared only in 9 mm Luger, although .22 LR, .380 ACP and .40 S & W Versions appeared later. In the original form, the magazine capacity was eight cartridges in a single column. A later P7 M13 has the count to 13 in a double-stack configuration.

Wts: Hk P7 Psp Pistol $2000.00

It used a gas-delayed blowback operating system to reduce recoil, an approach that fixed a piston on the slide. As a result, Heckler & Koch was able to build the weapon lighter than traditional 9 mm blowbacks and keep the weight well within police and military contract specifications. The original design appeared in 1976, but the German government officially adopted the gun in 1978. This high order volume delayed the commercial models until 1981. In 2008, the gun was discontinued. You can expect decent used versions over $2000. Those in top shape can command at least double that price.

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Hk Inc. P7 M13 Semi Automatic Pistol

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Springfield Armory XD-M Elite 4.5" OSP In 10mm Auto, NRA Pistol of the Week, American Rifleman Pistol of the Week Many of the products you buy were designed by engineers, but heavily tempered by the demands of the finance and marketing departments .“Make us a product that does X, but we need the total price under Y and it has to fit in this shell, designed by the art department.” But the Heckler & Koch P7 somehow seems to avoid these limitations.

H&k P7 Pistols

In my opinion, it is the result of a few talented engineers being set free to create the absolute best, safest, most technologically advanced gun ever made. At least the best gun possible for a policeman or other "gunfighter".

Historical Firearms — Heckler & Koch P7 Heckler & Koch Began Development

The P7 has many notable design features, including many "firsts", some of which have never been duplicated and some of which have become ubiquitous. Even though they've been out of production for over a decade, here's why the P7 is

Been carried since it was first made in 1979. Functionally, it's a great spy gun, but it's also the gun I choose over all others to marry well with a tuxedo and a high-end watch. Add a set of nill grips and fuhgeddaboudit.

The P7 is elegant, stylish and civilized, but also very effective and efficient. Every last detail and feature has been designed to make it the most effective weapon.

The H&K P7 may be one of those things where the end result is "more than the sum of its parts", but its parts alone are quite impressive. In no particular order, here are the features I know that set it apart from other pistols...or made it in 1976 when it was made.

Heckler & Koch P7 9mm Auto

Disclaimer: I'm not a historian and I'm writing from memory because I don't have time to research anything at the moment, so please bear with me. everything you see below looks like it has an asterisk "as far as I know" after it. .

Arguably the most notable feature of the P7, and the one that earned it the nickname associated with the staple gun, the P7's forend is only mounted when the textured steel cocking lever on the front band of the grip is depressed - ie. inside

The backstrap is also slightly textured, which I remember mainly because it's not a standard texture you see on a steel gun every day.

H&k P7 Pistols

It takes somewhere in the range of 10 to 15 pounds (depending on how you measure) of force to push the tension lever into the handle - it's basically a moving front strap - but only about 1.5 pounds of force to keep it depressed, which means once it hits you won't notice it with a normal flu shot.

The Heckler & Koch P7m8 Pistol

This stops the attacker completely, so the trigger is then a true single action with the sole duty of freeing the attacker.

Release the tension lever and release the striker immediately and safely. Hold it fast and the slide action resets the striker after each shot, so it works the same as any other single action pistol - to be crystal clear, you don't have to release and re-press the cocking lever for each shot. , even if it allows you to beat a stubborn primer later.

The normal procedure is to press the lever while taking your full shot, and then pull the trigger to fire. However, it also works in reverse: pull the trigger and then press the cocking lever to fire. This makes it more infallible in the stress of a weapon.

Also helping your chances in an extended gunfight, the cocker press doubles as a slip release. When the P7 slide closes back to empty, you will naturally release the lever as you drop your spent magazine and insert a new one. Press the cocking lever again to send the slide home and the gun is already cocked and ready to rock and roll. Alternatively, you can release the slide by pulling it back and letting it go.

Wtw: Hk P7 Tactical Staple Gun

There is no external slide release lever other than the cocking lever. However, there is an external slide stop if you want to close it manually; it is in the small circular table in the picture below.

This lever is only on the left size, and it's really the only shooting control on the P7 that isn't fully ambidextrous. Many people - including P7 owners - don't even realize it's there, actually. Regardless, an otherwise completely ambitious gun was ahead of its time.

The squeeze cocker system, first seen on the P7 and which, as far as I know, is still completely unique to the P7, offers an exceptional level of security. The P7 is at least as safe to carry with a chambered round as any pistol with a manual thumb safety. And it was pretty hard to find a semi-auto pistol without an inch safety at the time the P7 was made. But the P7 is probably the fastest and most intuitive ready to shoot.

H&k P7 Pistols

Despite the intuitive nature of this, there are many rumors that the lives of several law enforcement officers have been saved by this unique operating mechanism. Basically, a criminal had control of the officer's firearm, but he could not know how to shoot.

Heckler And Koch P7 M13

Additionally, this system allows you to chamber a round without the gun ever being able to fire it. The operator can also clear different types of jams with increased safety. Pulling the trigger does absolutely nothing unless the cocker is pressed too quickly, and there is no hammer or striker that can fall through either operator error or mechanical failure.

On the downside, this whole mechanism is complicated and expensive. It is not recommended that the end user ever consider the bare details of a P7 because it is like a Swiss watch inside. The price of the machine, parts, assembly time, etc. is not particularly attractive and is the number 1 reason why the P7 was not popular while it was in production and why it is not manufactured today.

It was still a very expensive gun compared to the alternatives. I should mention that, despite the complexity and the number of parts, the P7 is very reliable and durable and fulfilled

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